Logistics, shipping and storage

Expect reliability of supply when dealing with Yara – we're the leading independent producer of industrial ammonium nitrate and calcium nitrate for use in the civil explosives and mining and quarrying industries.

Yara supplies our UltrAN range of industrial nitrates to more than 75 countries on 6 continents. This means you can rely on our experience and expertise for safe, cost-efficient, flexible solutions.

We're present at every stage of the supply chain, so you can expect reliable delivery to support your daily needs for producing or using civil explosives. Our experts are available to offer advice when needed to support you in your daily management.

Experience in shipping and storage

When you need technical support for operations at your site, Yara experts are on hand. As problem solvers, we don't just offer a product – we provide technical expertise and knowledge gained from years of experience.

  • We ship more than 20 million tons of chemical nitrogen products and nitrates a year
  • We design products to stay free-flowing after storage in particular climates
  • You can count on our local presence in over 200 terminals and warehouses around the world
  • Whether you need large production capacities or have smaller sites that can receive small bag deliveries, we've got the right products

How we help customers

We'll help you by:

  • Handling shipment documentation paperwork
  • Sorting out routes and the maritime supply chain
  • Shipping with effective tools for container discharge
  • Sharing knowledge through on-site training
  • Ensuring best preservation of product through selected packaging material
  • Designing facilities for optimum storage conditions including storage discipline and stock rotation

Product stewardship

Yara is committed to the principles of product stewardship. Our product programme management covers the entire chain, from production in our factories to distribution.

For technical nitrates, our programme management includes:

UltrAN around the world

UltrAN around the world

Filipe Tavares de Melo
Filipe Tavares de Melo
Commercial Director Africa Middle East and Asia