Safety and handling

Safety is a top priority throughout our organisation and at all stages of the production process and supply chain. This includes helping our customers improve safe storage, handling and use.

Sharing best practice is at the heart of what we do to achieve and maintain safe working wherever your business is located. To ensure this we have a:

  • Dedicated HESQ (health, environment, safety and quality) team for assistance and advice
  • Global presence with local representatives and in-house technical experts

How safety is embedded into our processes

End-to-end safety through the supply chain:

 Safe production Reliable transport and shipping  Sharing best practice with customers and partners
ISO certified factories, following EU regulations and international standards A long track record of production and transport with no serious accidents Safety audits
Each UltrAN product has a downloadable safety data sheet (SDS) Always using the best available technology UltrAN product handling seminars
  High quality performance at all levels in the transport chain Active participation in SAFEX
  Reduced risk of mix of products: no incompatible production at loading sites On-site training 


Safety do's and don'ts for handling and storing

The Ammonium Nitrate UltrAN is made from is not a toxic material, but exposure to decomposition product may cause a health hazard. Ammonium Nitrate itself is not combustible but it can support combustion, even in absence of air.

Do's Don'ts
  • Always keep a record of what is in storage and have storage instructions readily available.
  • Train workers in safe handling and emergencies
  • Use first in, first out product movement
  • Ensure good housekeeping practices
  • Free access to emergency equipment and escape ways
  • Gain manager's approval for maintenance work, and follow correct procedures
  • Use only approved electrical equipment
  • Use safety warning symbols 
  • Label Ammonium Nitrate bags and bins correctly
  • Make safety inspections regularly


  • Prevent entry for unauthorised persons
  • Forbid smoking or use of open fire
  • Prohibit gas bottles, oil drums and oil tanks, or fuel filling station in the vicinity of Ammonium Nitrate
  • Don't use hot wire lamps. Use fluorescence type lamps avoiding contact with Ammonium Nitrate
  • Don't allow heat sources in contact with Ammonium Nitrate. No hot work unless authorised and done under strict control
  • Prevent contamination of Ammonium Nitrate with combustible and organic materials, oil and grease, acids and alkalis
  • Don't use sawdust for drying wet floors , use inert material instead


See more in Yara's Health, Environment, Safety and Quality Policy (PDF 198.57kb)

Get a guide to safe handling, storage, stacking and use of technical Ammonium Nitrate.

Filipe Tavares de Melo
Filipe Tavares de Melo
Commercial Director Africa Middle East and Asia