Image of YaraVita SENIPHOS
YaraVita Seniphos is one of the range of "Foliar Phosphate" products from Yara. These concentrated liquid products are designed to provide a fast acting fuel for plant energy, to boost crops during periods of rapid growth or to help crops overcome adverse climatic conditions. YaraVita Seniphos also contains calcium making it the normal choice for application to fruit crops.

YaraVita Seniphos is much more effective than either ammonium or potassium based products which can either cause fruit damage or induce calcium related disorders (bitter pit, fruit softening, etc). Trials have consistently shown YaraVita Seniphos to be safe and effective at raising fruit phosphorus levels, giving improved quality (firmness, storability, etc) and better returns to growers. In many countries it has become an industry "benchmark".

The liquid formulation makes it easy to measure, pour and mix the product in the spray tank.

The product is specifically formulated to provide maximum crop safety. This helps to ensure that application will not cause damage to the crop which can reduce it's market value.

The purity of raw materials selected for this product makes it safe for application to the crop and helps ensure that the harvested produce will not be rejected at any point in the supply chain.

A broad tankmixability makes it easy to co-apply the products with agrochemicals, saving both time and money. Just as important, free access to Tankmix information online or via smart phones makes it quick and easy to check whether products can be co-applied.

Alfalfa / Lucerne

Alfalfa: 5 l/ha when sufficient leaf cover to intercept spray. Then 5 l/ha one week after every cut. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Apricots: 10 l/ha repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum. Alternatively, 300 mls / 100 l repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall, based on a typical TRV of 2500 l/ha and a maximum TRV of 4000 l/ha.


Bananas: 10 l/ha applied at 10-14 day intervals from fruit set. Water rate: 30 l/ha.


Beans: 5 l/ha when crop is 15 cm tall. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals if necessary. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha


blueberries: 10 l/ha applied 10 days after petal fall has finished. Water rate: 1000 l/ha.

Brassica Vegetables

Brassicas: 2 to 3 applications of 10 l/ha from stem extension/head development at 7 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 75 to 200 l/ha.


Broccoli: 2 to 3 applications of 10 l/ha from stem extension/head development at 7 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 75 to 200 l/ha.


Cabbage: 2 to 3 applications of 10 l/ha from stem extension/head development at 7 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 75 to 200 l/ha.


Carrot: 5 l/ha. 2-3 appilcations when crop is 15 cm tall and at 7-10 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Cauliflower: 2 to 3 applications of 10 l/ha from stem extension/head development at 7 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 75 to 200 l/ha.


Cherry: 10 l/ha repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum. Alternatively, 300 mls / 100 l repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall, based on a typical TRV of 2500 l/ha and a maximum TRV of 4000 l/ha.


Cucurbits (Field Grown)): 3 to 5 applications of 5 l/ha at 7 to 10 day intervals commencing at fruit set. Water rate: 200 to 300 l/ha

Fertigated Crops

Fertigation: All crops: Use at a dilution of 0.025% v/v (0.25 litres per 1000 litres of water). This will produce a solution containing 78 mg/l phosphate. Alternatively: Arable Crops for which there is an Approved Foliar Spray Recommendation: Apply via fertigation systems at equivalent rates and timings to those recommended for foliar application.


Figs: 3 to 8 applications of 10 l/ha at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha.

Groundnuts / peanuts

Groundnuts/Peanuts: 5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat as necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Hops: 4 applications of 10 l/ha commencing when crop starts to burr, with 3 further applications at 14 day intervals. Water rate: 500 l/ha.


Lettuce (field grown): 2-3 applications of 5 l/ha commencing 10-14 days after transplanting or emergence with 7-10 day intervals between applications. Water rate: 200-500 l/ha.


Nectarines: 10 l/ha repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum. Alternatively, 300 mls / 100 l repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall, based on a typical TRV of 2500 l/ha and a maximum TRV of 4000 l/ha.

Nursery Stock / Ornamentals

Nursery Stock/Ornamentals: 600 ml/ 100 litres as soon as there is sufficient leaf area to intercept a spray. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Avoid applications during flowering. Spray a maximum of three applications per crop per annum. Based on a maximum TRV of 500 l/ha.

Oilseed Rape

Oilseed Rape: 10 l/ha at the onset of stem extension. If appropriate, consider a second application 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 30-200 l/ha.


Olive: 10 l/ha before flowering. Repeat at 10 l/ha 10-14 days after flowering. Water rate: 200-1000 l/ha.


Peaches: 10 l/ha repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum. Alternatively, 300 mls / 100 l repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall, based on a typical TRV of 2500 l/ha and a maximum TRV of 4000 l/ha.


Pears: 5 to 10 l/ha repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum. Alternatively, 300 mls / 100 l repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall, based on a typical TRV of 2500 l/ha and a maximum TRV of 4000 l/ha.


Peas: 5 l/ha before flowering. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Pecans: 2 to 5 applications of 10 l/ha at 7 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 to 1000 l/ha.


Persimmons: 10 l/ha after flowering and repeated 10-14 days later. Water rate: 500-1000 l/ha.


Pineapple: 1 x 10 l/ha or 2 x 5 l/ha first applied at early fruit development and the second application 10-14 days later. Water rate: 200-300 l/ha.

Pivot application

Pivot Application: Potatoes: Four applications of 3 to 5 l/ha applied at tuber initiation and at 10 day intervals thereafter. Water rate: 100,000 l/ha.


Plum: 10 l/ha repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum. Alternatively, 300 mls / 100 l repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall, based on a typical TRV of 2500 l/ha and a maximum TRV of 4000 l/ha.


Pomegranate: Two to five applications of 10 l/ha applied at 7 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 to 1000 l/ha.


Raspberry: 3 applications of 10 l/ha. Start of flowering, end of flowering, and fruit development. Water rate: 500 l/ha.


Soya Bean: 5 l/ha before flowering. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha.


Spinach: 5 l/ha applied at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Strawberry (field grown): Non-everbearing varieties: 3 applications of 10 l/ha from start of flowering. Repeat applications 7-10 day intervals. Everbearing varieties: Divide a total rate of 30 l/ha into 6 applications of 5 l/ha. Do not apply successive applications at intervals of less than 10-14 days. Water rate: 500 l/ha.


Tobacco: Two applications of 5 l/ha two to three weeks after transplanting (3-4 leaf stage) with 10 days between applications. Water rate: 30-500 l/ha.

Water Melon

Water Melon (field grown): 3 to 5 applications of 5 L/ha at 7 day intervals, commencing at fruit set through fruit expansion. Water rate: 200-500 L/ha.

Alfalfa / Lucerne

Alfalfa: 5 l/ha when sufficient leaf cover to intercept spray. Then 5 l/ha one week after every cut. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Apricots: 10 l/ha repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum. Alternatively, 300 mls / 100 l repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall, based on a typical TRV of 2500 l/ha and a maximum TRV of 4000 l/ha.


Bananas: 10 l/ha applied at 10-14 day intervals from fruit set. Water rate: 30 l/ha.


Beans: 5 l/ha when crop is 15 cm tall. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals if necessary. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha


blueberries: 10 l/ha applied 10 days after petal fall has finished. Water rate: 1000 l/ha.

Brassica Vegetables

Brassicas: 2 to 3 applications of 10 l/ha from stem extension/head development at 7 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 75 to 200 l/ha.


Broccoli: 2 to 3 applications of 10 l/ha from stem extension/head development at 7 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 75 to 200 l/ha.


Cabbage: 2 to 3 applications of 10 l/ha from stem extension/head development at 7 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 75 to 200 l/ha.


Carrot: 5 l/ha. 2-3 appilcations when crop is 15 cm tall and at 7-10 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Cauliflower: 2 to 3 applications of 10 l/ha from stem extension/head development at 7 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 75 to 200 l/ha.


Cherry: 10 l/ha repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum. Alternatively, 300 mls / 100 l repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall, based on a typical TRV of 2500 l/ha and a maximum TRV of 4000 l/ha.


Cucurbits (Field Grown)): 3 to 5 applications of 5 l/ha at 7 to 10 day intervals commencing at fruit set. Water rate: 200 to 300 l/ha

Fertigated Crops

Fertigation: All crops: Use at a dilution of 0.025% v/v (0.25 litres per 1000 litres of water). This will produce a solution containing 78 mg/l phosphate. Alternatively: Arable Crops for which there is an Approved Foliar Spray Recommendation: Apply via fertigation systems at equivalent rates and timings to those recommended for foliar application.


Figs: 3 to 8 applications of 10 l/ha at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha.

Groundnuts / peanuts

Groundnuts/Peanuts: 5 l/ha at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Repeat as necessary at 10 to 14 day intervals. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Hops: 4 applications of 10 l/ha commencing when crop starts to burr, with 3 further applications at 14 day intervals. Water rate: 500 l/ha.


Lettuce (field grown): 2-3 applications of 5 l/ha commencing 10-14 days after transplanting or emergence with 7-10 day intervals between applications. Water rate: 200-500 l/ha.


Nectarines: 10 l/ha repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum. Alternatively, 300 mls / 100 l repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall, based on a typical TRV of 2500 l/ha and a maximum TRV of 4000 l/ha.

Nursery Stock / Ornamentals

Nursery Stock/Ornamentals: 600 ml/ 100 litres as soon as there is sufficient leaf area to intercept a spray. Repeat at 10 to 14 day intervals as necessary. Avoid applications during flowering. Spray a maximum of three applications per crop per annum. Based on a maximum TRV of 500 l/ha.

Oilseed Rape

Oilseed Rape: 10 l/ha at the onset of stem extension. If appropriate, consider a second application 10 to 14 days later. Water rate: 30-200 l/ha.


Olive: 10 l/ha before flowering. Repeat at 10 l/ha 10-14 days after flowering. Water rate: 200-1000 l/ha.


Peaches: 10 l/ha repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum. Alternatively, 300 mls / 100 l repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall, based on a typical TRV of 2500 l/ha and a maximum TRV of 4000 l/ha.


Pears: 5 to 10 l/ha repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum. Alternatively, 300 mls / 100 l repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall, based on a typical TRV of 2500 l/ha and a maximum TRV of 4000 l/ha.


Peas: 5 l/ha before flowering. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Pecans: 2 to 5 applications of 10 l/ha at 7 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 to 1000 l/ha.


Persimmons: 10 l/ha after flowering and repeated 10-14 days later. Water rate: 500-1000 l/ha.


Pineapple: 1 x 10 l/ha or 2 x 5 l/ha first applied at early fruit development and the second application 10-14 days later. Water rate: 200-300 l/ha.

Pivot application

Pivot Application: Potatoes: Four applications of 3 to 5 l/ha applied at tuber initiation and at 10 day intervals thereafter. Water rate: 100,000 l/ha.


Plum: 10 l/ha repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 l/ha minimum. Alternatively, 300 mls / 100 l repeated 3-5 times at 10 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall, based on a typical TRV of 2500 l/ha and a maximum TRV of 4000 l/ha.


Pomegranate: Two to five applications of 10 l/ha applied at 7 to 14 day intervals commencing at petal fall. Water rate: 500 to 1000 l/ha.


Raspberry: 3 applications of 10 l/ha. Start of flowering, end of flowering, and fruit development. Water rate: 500 l/ha.


Soya Bean: 5 l/ha before flowering. Water rate: 30 to 200 l/ha.


Spinach: 5 l/ha applied at the 4 to 6 leaf stage. Water rate: 200 l/ha.


Strawberry (field grown): Non-everbearing varieties: 3 applications of 10 l/ha from start of flowering. Repeat applications 7-10 day intervals. Everbearing varieties: Divide a total rate of 30 l/ha into 6 applications of 5 l/ha. Do not apply successive applications at intervals of less than 10-14 days. Water rate: 500 l/ha.


Tobacco: Two applications of 5 l/ha two to three weeks after transplanting (3-4 leaf stage) with 10 days between applications. Water rate: 30-500 l/ha.

Water Melon

Water Melon (field grown): 3 to 5 applications of 5 L/ha at 7 day intervals, commencing at fruit set through fruit expansion. Water rate: 200-500 L/ha.