Plant shows stunted, erect growth with interveinal chlorosis of the younger leaves.
Sulphur deficiency
Maize - Growth retardation
Plant shows stunted, erect growth. Seen from a distance, younger leaves are colored uniformly pale, but when you look at them closely, it's rather an interveinal chlorosis. The yellowgreen leaves show a narrow brown seam along the leaf margin.
Sulphur deficiency (right)
Nitrogen deficiency can cause similar symptoms but begins at the older leaves.
Maize - Growth retardation
Plant shows stunted, erect growth. Seen from a distance, younger leaves are coloured uniformly pale, but when you look at them closely, it's rather an interveinal chlorosis.
The yellowgreen leaves show a narrow redbrown seam along the leaf margin and the leaf base has got a tint of the same colour.
Sulphur deficiency
Nitrogen deficiency can cause similar chlorosis but begins at the older leaves.
Maize - Growth retardation
Plant shows stunted, erect growth. Seen from a distance, younger leaves are coloured uniformly pale, but when you look at them closely, it's rather an interveinal chlorosis.
The yellowgreen leaves show a narrow redbrown seam along the leaf margin and the leaf base has got a tint of the same colour.
Sulphur deficiency
Nitrogen deficiency can cause similar chlorosis but begins at the older leaves.
Sulphur deficiency made worse by
Acidic soils
Light, sandy soils (leaching)
Low organic matter
Poorly aerated soils (waterlogged soils
) Areas with low industrial emissions
Sulfur is important for
Green foliage and healthy growth
More effective use of nitrogen by the crop
Yara recommended fertilizers for Sulfur
Maize: Exact recommendation depends on soil analysis, yield potential and nutrient management plan. Refer to your local Yara Agronomist for detailed recommendation.